Interesting Research Discoveries

Researching family history is most enjoyable when you make new discoveries.  I have made many new discoveries, for my self and others.  Some of the discoveries come from researching documents and records, while others come from understanding the genetic trail left behind by our DNA.  Although we never can anticipate what we might find, we might find some family secrets, which were embarrassing at the time.   I have found it helpful to put the information into context.  What year did the event happen and what were the circumstances?  Trying to better understand life at the time and setting aside judgement and emotion, might be necessary to fully enjoy what you might find.  I have many interesting discoveries to share and hope you find them as interesting as I have.   This article refers to my great-grandfather, William McCurdy Cubbison.  It is an interesting read!    William McCurdy Cubbison: Two Families